Penghargaan Permainan Internasional 2011

Upacara penghargaan yang sangat dinantikan dalam industri kasino online akan berlangsung pada 24 Januari 2011 di Jumeirah Carlton Tower di London, Inggris. Upacara International Gaming Awards memberikan penghargaan kepada kasino online dan offline luar biasa yang didorong oleh keunggulan dalam industri. Penghargaan diberikan kepada mereka yang mendominasi industri game dengan grafis dan desain yang luar biasa, publikasi yang layak, perangkat lunak kasino online terbaik, ruang VIP tahun ini, dan kategori lainnya.

International Gaming Awards adalah salah satu acara paling bergengsi di industri Gaming. Upacara ini menyoroti produk dan layanan terbaik di industri kasino online dengan memberikan penghargaan kepada perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka di pasar permainan. Pemenang dapat memperkuat reputasi yang baik di pasar game yang kompetitif sambil mendapatkan rasa hormat dan meningkatkan harga klien.

Kategori Kasino Terkemuka di UK Gaming Award

Acara penghargaan ini terbuka untuk perusahaan kasino mana pun, menyediakan produk inovatif kepada operator game online atau offline dengan bakat orisinalitas, kemampuan untuk sukses di pasar yang sangat kompetitif, dan kepuasan pelanggan yang luar biasa.

Pemasok Perangkat Lunak Permainan Online

Kasino online harus cukup inovatif untuk memberikan klien pengalaman kehidupan nyata yang sama seperti kasino darat. situs slot gacor penghargaan kepada kasino-kasino luar biasa dengan tata letak orisinal, grafik dan suara yang menarik, dan yang terpenting, perangkat lunak yang mudah digunakan.

Operator Kasino

Penghargaan permainan Inggris ini diberikan kepada operator kasino yang secara konsisten memajukan dan menghasilkan hiburan berkualitas tinggi kepada klien. Para juri elit memberi penghargaan kepada operator dengan visi unik, orisinalitas, dan vitalitas di Pasar yang ramai untuk membedakan mereka dari yang lain.

Operator Kasino Online Terbaik Tahun Ini

Penghargaan bergengsi ini akan diberikan kepada operator kasino online yang telah menunjukkan inovasi dan penemuan di sektor permainan online. Orisinalitas, identitas merek, pemasaran, proses pembayaran, kegunaan dan permainan yang ditawarkan menjadi fitur utama dari penghargaan ini. Ruang VIP dinilai berdasarkan kuantitas dan kualitas permainan yang ditawarkan, layanan pelanggan, kualitas desain, dan popularitas. Juri mencermati seberapa efektif ruang kasino dipasarkan dan fitur luar biasa atau penggunaan teknologi apa pun yang benar-benar membuat pengalaman pelanggan unik. Situs Permainan Terkemuka Berpartisipasi dalam Upacara ini

Banyak situs game terkemuka berpartisipasi dalam upacara ini karena ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk mendapatkan eksposur dan menyoroti layanan eksklusif. Upacara ini adalah cara ideal untuk menghadirkan layanan luar biasa di pasar kasino yang dinamis dan kompetitif. Industri kasino online adalah salah satu industri dengan pertumbuhan tercepat dan paling menguntungkan di dunia. Ajang penghargaan bergengsi ini memastikan bahwa industri terus maju dan klien disuguhi layanan berkualitas tinggi. Sebelum memilih untuk bermain di kasino online, lihat bagaimana penilaian mereka oleh upacara permainan Inggris yang terkenal ini.

The Rising Popularity Of Slot Machines

If you go to a casino, you can easily predict where most of the crowd would be.

In contrast to that, slot machines require no real expertise to start playing. So anyone can get a bunch of coins and start playing the slot machines. It is really fun for the beginners and this is why you can see a lot of people hovering around the slot machines all the time.

With the passage of time, the slot machines have become more sophisticated and they have moved online. Online casinos, other than serving all the games that you would find at a real casino, also offer an added advantage. This is the advantage of being able to play from anywhere in the world and from the comfort of your own room. As long as you can legally play at the online casino, you can play regardless of your present location. This is made online casinos even more popular and this factor has only added more momentum to the popularity of slot machines games, which are also available online now as a result of the online casinos. The online casinos also incorporate gambling networks, which run the jackpot games that have always been popular with the slot machine players.

The jackpot rules are simple enough and professional slot machine players understand these rules and play accordingly. Firstly, you mush understand how a jackpot grows � every coin that a player puts in adds a small fraction of its value to the jackpot. Now you might think that that is not enough to make it grow fast enough. But when you add this to the fact that hundreds of players are playing over the network at the same time, you will understand how the jackpot grows.

When the jackpot is just starting out, the players have negative chance of winning the jackpot. But after the accumulated amount crosses a minimum threshold (from where the amount turns into a jackpot), every coin that player puts in has a positive chance of winning the jackpot. But MONPERATOTO is still pretty low and so the jackpot keeps on growing and sometimes they reach amazing amounts. At which point, everyone starts playing that jackpot, trying to win the money.

These are the main reason why people like playing slot machines. The popularity of slot machines is based on their simplicity and player-friendliness.

타이마사지 룸살롱 마사지 요법의 다양한 경이로움

마사지는 수세기 동안 치료 방법으로 사용되어 왔습니다. 마사지는 신체를 편안하게 해주는 다양한 생리적 효과를 유발합니다. 통증을 완화하기 위해 연조직을 수동으로 반죽하거나 조작하는 마사지 치료 기사의 다양한 경이로움, 불편함, 스트레스 및 건강과 복지 증진을 ‘마사지’라고 합니다. 건강과 웰빙을 증진시키는 마사지 기술을 “마사지 테라피”라고 합니다. 미국 마사지 치료 협회(AMTA)는 마사지 치료를 “의사가 고객의 건강과 복지에 긍정적인 영향을 미치려는 의도로 수동 기술을 적용하고 보조 요법을 적용할 수 있는 직업”으로 정의합니다.

아유르베다에서는 여러 질병을 치료하는 과정에서 마사지 요법(abhyanga)을 권장합니다. 핵심 치료를 시작하기 전 신체 해독 과정(판차카르마)에 큰 역할을 합니다.

일반적으로 마사지 중에는 아유르베다 허브 오일이나 아로마 오일이 사용됩니다. 마사지의 상태와 목적에 따라 오일을 선택합니다.

바디 마사지의 종류

불편함의 원인과 위치를 분석한 후 다양한 종류의 바디 마사지를 시행합니다. 다음은 다양한 종류의 바디 마사지입니다.

•얼굴 및 머리 마사지, •팔 및 손 마사지, •다리 및 발 마사지, •등 마사지, •목 및 어깨 마사지, •가슴 마사지, •복부 마사지, •영유아 마사지 •임신 중 마사지.

마사지 기술:

마사지 치료사는 마사지하는 동안 ‘스트로크’와 ‘압력’을 사용합니다. Effleurage, Petrisage, Percussion, Friction 및 Vibration은 마사지하는 동안 사용되는 5가지 다른 스트로크입니다.

Effleurage 스트로크는 길고 미끄러지며 진정됩니다. 이 스트로크는 손의 평평한 표면으로 이루어집니다. Effleurage 스트로크는 순환과 이완의 깊이를 증가시킵니다.

Petrissage 스트로크는 반죽과 유사합니다. 이러한 스트로크는 어린이와 노인을 마사지하는 데 권장됩니다. 피부와 근육 표면을 엄지손가락과 손가락 사이로 잡고 부드럽고 단단하게 굴리거나 압착합니다.

타악기는 양손을 사용하여 수행됩니다. 이 스트로크에서는 양손이 빠르게 움직이며 교대로 근육을 자극합니다. 타악기는 손가락 끝(두드림), 쭉 뻗은 손가락을 자르는 동작(해킹), 손을 오므린 상태(컵핑), 손바닥을 편평하게 벌림(두드림), 양 주먹을 사용(두드리기)으로 수행할 수 있습니다.

마찰: 이 스트로크는 관절과 주변 부위를 치료하는 데 사용됩니다. 마찰은 접착을 끊고 노폐물을 제거하며 혼잡을 청소합니다. 길고 느리고 확고한 손놀림이나 원을 그리는 손의 움직임을 사용하여 표면 조직을 깊은 밑에 있는 조직 위로 이동시킵니다.

진동 : 이 스트로크는 신경을 자극합니다. 손이나 손가락을 연조직 위에서 빠르게 앞뒤로 움직여 흔들어 줍니다. 엉덩이, 허벅지, 등 윗부분 등에 진동을 사용합니다. 마사지할 부위와 마사지 목적에 따라 약하게, 중간으로, 강하게 압력을 가하여 마사지합니다.

Ayurveda의 텍스트는 다양한 조건에 따른 다양한 유형의 마사지를 보여줍니다. 그들은

우드바르타나(Udvarthana) : 몸을 반대 방향으로 마사지하는 것(아유르베다 문헌에 따르면 머리부터 마사지를 시작하여 아래쪽으로 진행하는 것이 관례적인 것으로 간주됩니다. 따라서 손바닥에서 어깨로, 발에서 허벅지로, 엉덩이에서 목으로 진행하는 마사지는 방향이 반대입니다.) 마사지는 마른 허브를 사용하여 약간의 압력을 가하여 수행됩니다. 이러한 종류의 마사지는 피부의 각질을 제거하고 윤기를 강화하며 건강한 모습을 선사합니다. 땀으로 인해 발생하는 악취를 줄이는 데도 도움이 됩니다.

마르다나(Mardana) : 전신에 더 많은 압력을 가하여 마사지하는 것을 마르다나(Mardana)라고 합니다. 이것은 일반적으로 강화된 육체 노동에 탐닉하는 사람들을 위해 수행됩니다. 운동선수, 운동선수, 레슬링 선수 등

빠다가타(Padaaghata) : 빠다가타는 발을 사용하여 마사지하는 것을 의미하며, 필요한 압력으로 몸을 짓밟는 것을 파다가타라고 합니다.

마사지 요법의 장점:

1. 마사지는 조직의 순환을 증가시키고 근육 경련을 풀어주며 신경계를 자극하거나 진정시킵니다. 혈액 순환이 증가하면 조직에 더 많은 산소와 영양분이 공급됩니다.

2.질병이나 부상의 회복기간을 단축시킨다.

3. 타이마사지 좋은 마사지는 엔돌핀(신체 내 천연 진통제)의 방출을 돕고 림프계를 자극하여 신체 면역력을 높여줍니다.

4. 근육 긴장, 뻣뻣함, 통증을 완화하고 붓기를 줄이는 데 도움이됩니다. 치유 과정이 빨라지고 흉터 조직의 과도한 형성이 감소됩니다.

Basic Slots: Features & Strategies

Whereas a 2-coin machine may pay 80 coins for 3 double bars with 2 coins in, a 3-coin machine may show a pay of 120 coins for the same combination. However, you had to gamble an extra coin, each spin; therefore, the payouts are generally equal.

Three features that should dictate any slot players� search for basic slots are:

1) Single payline,Basic Slots: Features & Strategies Articles in your quest to stretch your gambling bankroll.

2) Slot players should also look for 2 coin maximum non-progressive machines only.

Whereas a 2-coin machine may pay 80 coins for 3 double bars with 2 coins in, a 3-coin machine may show a pay of 120 coins for the same combination. However, remember, you had to gamble an extra coin, each spin; therefore, the payouts are generally equal. Three coin machines look more lucrative in their payoff structure because they show that the player will win more, but the player also has to bet more to get this.

Players who play the 3 coin machines will spend considerably more than players who invest more of their playtime and money in the preferred 2 coin machines, equating to more pulls on that slot, and more chances to win a jackpot.

3) Slot Players will want to seek out those slots that pay double jackpots on certain pay-line combinations.

The principle of this �double� symbol is very simple; whenever it appears on the payline in combination with any other symbols that normally would have made a winning combination, the payoff amount is doubled.

Look closely to see which slot machine you are playing, as not all machines will double and quadruple all pays and not all machines will have double jackpots win possibilities.

Some machines will have only 2 double symbols, one on each of the first two reels while other machines will have 3 of these double symbols, one on each of the 3 reels.

When choosing a �double� machine, it is important not to confuse them with wild cherries or any other symbols noted on the machines payoff display as being �wild�. Symbols identified as being wild sub for any other paying symbol, but do not double the payoff.

Additionally, rajahoki138 with 1000 coin top payout will hit more often than those with 5,000 or 10,000 top jackets…makes sense.

Blackjack players will argue loud and long at me for this, however there is data available that theorizes you can make just as much money on an hourly basis playing slots:

Cost per hour to play slots:

Denomination 1 coin 2 coins 3 coins

Nickel 30. 60. 90.

Quarter 150. 300. 450.

Dollar 600. 1200. 1800.

I rest my case for playing 2 coins machines. With quarter machines, the most played slots, I would have an extra $150. to play with, 300 extra spins/pulls at 2 coin machines and a greater opportunity for jackpots.

I realize that the popular slots today on and offline are bonus multi-line versions and they are definitely a lot of fun to play and will put profits in your pocket.

I write about them extensively in my articles and Casino Players Ezine, gambling newsletter, however, for the novice slot player–basic, single payline slots is an excellent starting point.

Remember: ‘Not only do you have good luck with a gambling education, but you are making your luck.’

5 Strategi Menghindari Kecanduan Judi

Hingga tahun 80-an, seseorang yang membuang uang dalam jumlah besar untuk berjudi dianggap modis.
Pada tahun 1980an, American Psychiatric Association secara resmi mengidentifikasi perjudian patologis sebagai gangguan mental.
Saat itu, sekitar 1,1 juta orang Amerika terlibat dalam perjudian yang bermasalah dan kompulsif. Jumlahnya telah meningkat sejak saat itu menjadi antara 5,1 dan 8,4 juta orang di Amerika Serikat yang memenuhi kriteria diagnosis kecanduan judi saat ini.1. Hindari godaan
Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan untuk berhenti bermain di meja blackjack (bahkan jika Anda menang), maka dorongan itu harus diatasi.
Penting untuk mengetahui kapan harus berhenti. Kebanyakan orang tidak menguangkan ketika mereka menang. Waktu terbaik untuk mengumpulkan kemenangan Anda adalah saat Anda sedang dalam kondisi tinggi. Jangan biarkan keserakahan menguasai diri Anda. semar123
Lingkungan suatu tempat secara keseluruhan dapat mempengaruhi kecanduan judi yang berujung pada kerugian. Arena pacuan kuda, kasino, lapangan olahraga, atau situs taruhan atau perjudian populer lainnya harus dilarang bagi orang yang mudah terpikat.
Godaan juga bisa berasal dari hubungan. Orang-orang tertentu dapat memberikan pengaruh buruk, membawa Anda ke arah yang salah.
Lingkungan apa pun yang membuat Anda mengambil risiko lebih dari yang seharusnya, mendorong Anda untuk menjadi serakah bukanlah tempat yang terbaik.
2. Jangan biarkan kebosanan menjadi alasan
Terkadang, kecanduan judi bisa menjadi mekanisme mengatasi kebosanan. Mantan penjudi menganggap sensasi menang atau kalah dalam sekejap adalah sesuatu yang menarik.
Oleh karena itu, seseorang perlu merencanakan aktivitas untuk menggantikan hari-hari biasa di kasino dengan tugas merangsang yang berbeda.
Karena penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang yang tertarik pada perjudian mempunyai lebih banyak masalah dalam menoleransi kebosanan dibandingkan orang kebanyakan, aktivitas penggantinya harus sangat menarik dan menarik. Bagaimanapun, kebiasaan lama sulit dihilangkan.
Beberapa aktivitas produktif antara lain berolahraga, menghabiskan waktu bersama orang-orang yang tidak berjudi sama sekali, dan mempraktikkan teknik meditasi. Ini adalah beberapa pilihan sehat yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melepas lelah, mengatur suasana hati, dan mengurangi rasa bosan.
3. Menghidupkan kembali hobi lama
Meskipun melakukan aktivitas baru adalah pilihan yang baik, kembali ke hobi yang telah Anda lakukan sebelumnya bisa lebih bermanfaat.
Ketika orang hanya fokus pada perjudian, minat, minat, dan aktivitas favorit lainnya menjadi kurang penting. Jika perjudian bukan bagian dari persamaan, seseorang dapat melanjutkan hobinya yang hilang.
Kembali ke beberapa hobi Anda akan meningkatkan harga diri Anda. Anda akan memperbarui beberapa keterampilan yang mungkin hilang karena banyaknya waktu yang Anda habiskan untuk berjudi.
Kebangkitan hobi lama sekaligus dapat mengingatkan mantan penjudi akan kehidupan mereka yang luar biasa sebelum kecanduan judi mengambil alih, dan memperbarui harapan untuk kehidupan baru mereka di masa depan.
Keseimbangan itu baik, dan semuanya harus dilakukan secukupnya. Tidak apa-apa mempertaruhkan sejumlah kecil uang sebagai bentuk hiburan, tetapi pastikan Anda juga menginvestasikan waktu untuk hobi lain.

마사지 수업: 기본 및 고급 교육 오피사이트

미국과 캐나다에서 마사지 수업을 찾아보세요. 여러 마사지 수업, 마사지 수업: 기본 및 고급 교육 기사 중 하나에 지원하기로 선택한 경우 등록하기 전에 특정 학습 과정을 검토하는 것이 중요합니다.  오피사이트  주로 마사지 입문 수업을 원하는 경우, 여러 치유 예술 학교와 기술 학교에서 이 치유 예술에 대한 개요를 얻기 위해 참여할 수 있는 간단한 워크숍과 세미나를 제공할 수 있습니다.

마사지 수업과 코스는 다를 수 있습니다. 대부분의 일반 커리큘럼에는 스웨덴식 마사지, 심부 조직 마사지, 스포츠 마사지 등 심층 마사지 수업이 포함됩니다. 운동 요법, 해부학 및 생리학 외에도. 그러나 500시간 이상의 교육 시간을 포함하는 더 긴 교육 프로그램을 통해 고급 마사지 수업이 제공됩니다. 마사지 수업과 이와 같은 과정에서 학생들은 동물/말 마사지, 지압, 중국 의료 마사지, 태국 마사지, 경락 요법, 의료 마사지, 노인 마사지 등을 배울 수 있습니다.

일부 마사지 수업과 과정에서는 학생들에게 약초학, 자연 건강 관리, 전체적인 영양, 접촉 요법 등과 같은 다른 대체 치유 예술을 소개합니다.

지원하기로 선택한 학교나 대학에 따라 마사지 수업을 주의 깊게 검토하여 해당 코스가 인증 및/또는 라이센스에 대한 모든 기준을 충족하는지 확인하는 것이 항상 중요합니다. 대부분의 마사지 학교의 최소 기준은 최소 300시간의 훈련 시간이지만 일부 마사지 수업에는 1,000시간 이상의 임상 시간이 필요합니다. 또한 점점 더 많은 치유 예술 학교에서 학위와 졸업장을 목표로 하는 마사지 수업을 제공하기 시작하고 있다는 것을 알게 될 것입니다. 이러한 직업 훈련 프로그램은 기본 연구뿐만 아니라 두개천골 요법, 근막 이완, 트리거 포인트 요법, 롤핑, 지압, 로미로미 등의 마사지 수업을 포함하여 광범위한 마사지 방식에 대한 보다 포괄적인 교육을 포함합니다.

어떤 마사지 수업이 귀하의 직업적 열망에 가장 유익한지 결정하는 가장 좋은 방법은 현지 마사지 치료사 또는 웰니스 클리닉을 방문하여 전문 실무자를 찾아보는 것입니다. 마사지 치료사가 사용하는 구체적인 기술과 업무를 수행하기 위해 어떤 마사지 수업을 들었는지 물어보세요. 대부분의 경우 이러한 자연 건강 관리 제공자는 다양한 유형의 마사지와 특정 차체 직업에 가장 적합한 마사지 수업에 대해 기꺼이 설명할 것입니다.

물론 고급 마사지 수업을 들으면 전반적인 전문적인 측면만 향상될 가능성이 있습니다. 오늘날 인증받은 마사지 치료사는 교육과 경험에 따라 시간당 30달러 이상을 벌 수 있습니다.

귀하(또는 귀하가 아는 사람)가 마사지 수업을 찾는 데 관심이 있다면 마사지 요법, 미용, 침술, 한의학, 레이키(Reiki) 등과 같이 빠르게 성장하는 산업 분야에서 직업 훈련을 시작하십시오! 가까운 직업 학교 프로그램을 찾아보세요.

6 Helpful Online Slot TipsWant to know more about online casino games?

Gambling is a world where it seems as though everyone’s trying to give you money. But the reality is that all the onlinecasinos and gaming dens lure you hoping to see your wallet shrink in size

Gambling is a world where it seems as though everyone’s trying to give you money. But the reality is that all the casinos and gaming dens lure you hoping to see your wallet shrink in size. Every gambler dreams of that one big win,6 Helpful Online Slot TipsWant to know more about online casino games? We provide you with all the i Articles but for most it remains a dream.

Online Slot machines are a comparatively less harmful way to take charge of how much you loose and win. It is a way wherein you can play with a relaxed mind and don’t need to plot, plan, or guess. Here the luck takes charge. Well, almost!

Here are a few tips to help you come out a winner when gambling on the slot machines:

• Don’t play on borrowed cash. This will only make you tense and keep that jackpot miles away from you. A positive and relaxed mind attracts treasures as you are less prone to overlook clues and information that could lead you to a win.

• Be very clear as to why you are near the slot machines at all. Are you there to enjoy yourself while you win some money doing ‘just so’, or are you after the ‘big win’. This will govern the type of slot machine that you will choose because the machines for small frequent small pay outs and less frequent big jackpot will be different from each other.

• Read your destiny in the symbols on the slot machine. When you select a slot machine, check how many symbols it has. The number of symbols is directly proportional to the combinations that can be made and therefore the number of times you are likely to win. But remember – more wins mean less winning amount.

• When to go for that biggie? Small wins will not keep you satisfied for long. Your palms will itch to play for the progressive big jackpot. Do not succumb to this desire until the progressive jackpot becomes exceptionally big. History says that when the progressively building jackpot becomes really big, it is very likely to burst. Wait for such an opportunity.

• For your own safety play slots at reputable online casinos that offer a bonus. This will not only give you peace of mind but also generous bonuses to play on.

• Remember to stop. Many players forget this simple rule and loose all the money they earned from playing slots and sometimes much more.

It is easy to get carried away when you see the money roll in. True winners quit when they are still at a ‘high’.

The $100 Slot Machine Challenge

The $100 Slot … Tony R Frank, … have $100 to bet at a casino� your … is to double your money. How would you tackle this … Is there a strategy for doub

The $100 Slot Challenge
By Tony R Frank,The $100 Slot Machine Challenge Articles

�You have $100 to bet at a casino� your challenge is to double your money. How would you tackle this challenge?�

Is there a strategy for doubling a $100 bankroll playing slot machines? If you assumed that slots are purely a game of luck, I�ve got news for you. Instead of playing haphazardly and hoping for the best, you can use methods that give you about as good a chance as if you were to plunk down $100 for even-money betting at your favorite table game.
First I would pick the right machine. Some slots give you a good shot at meeting this challenge while others are more likely to steal all your money. The most important feature when choosing a machine is the pay table. Too many players are attracted to a slot machine dangling the carrot of a huge jackpot. Others pick one simply because its big and shiny and looks enticing.

Large jackpots mean fewer smaller payouts. Big winners� fortunes are financed not by the casino but by many losers. It is better to select machines with small to moderate jackpots. For the same wager, you have a much better chance of winning 800 coins than you would have chasing 20,000 coins.

Also avoid slots where half of all possible payouts are in the 2, 5, 10 and 20 coin range. Sga slot Although you might get frequent wins, the amounts aren�t big enough to prevent your bankroll from slowly but surely grinding down to zero.

The best strategy for meeting this double-your-money challenge is to look for a single pay line, two-coin machine with a modest jackpot and a pay table featuring a good range of medium sized prizes.

The ideal pay table looks something like this:
One Coin Two Coins
800 1,600
80 160
60 120
40 80
30 60
20 40
10 20
5 10
2 4
On slot machines with this kind of pay board, wins of small to medium proportions occur more frequently, because most of the money does not have to go towards a giant jackpot. You have an excellent chance of catching enough mid-range payouts to stretch your time at the machine by simply recycling your winnings. The longer you can make your money last, the better your chances of eventually lining up the jackpot combination. To succeed at slots you need staying power.

So, my strategy for doubling a $100 slots playing stake goes like this:
I would choose a two-coin 25-cent machine with a single-pay line and a jackpot of 800 and 1,600 coins for one-coin and two-coin play respectively. And the slot will have to provide decent mid-range payouts. Double Diamond or Wild Cherry machines are good candidates in brick-and-mortar casinos.

Choose your machines carefully, not all Double Diamond or Wild Cherry slots have identical pay tables. The brand of a machine is not really important it�s the pay table that counts. Online casinos will have slots that meet our requirements, but don�t look for the same machine names as you see in live casinos.

I would play single coins until I had exhausted my $100 or had hit that 800-quarter ($200) jackpot. Towards that end, I would have to make the $100 starting bankroll last as long as possible by recycling all those small payouts. The more spins, the more chances I would have of lining up the winning combination.

Playing one quarter per spin and reinvesting the smaller winnings has two objectives. Either the $200 (800 coin) jackpot is hit, or there will be sufficient smaller payouts to tally up 800 coins or $200 on the credit meter. Either way, you meet the challenge of turning $100 into $200. You can�t expect to reach this goal every time, but I believe the success rate will be about the same as in even-money table game betting.

So there you have it. If you�re ever asked to double your bankroll on slot machines, those are the methods I am suggesting.

If you agree that it�s about time you separated yourself from the millions of slot players who are being shamelessly robbed of billions of dollars by the casinos, I invite you to go to and discover my e-book �How to Really, Really Win at Slots�.

The Importance of Casino Marketing

Every department in the casino has a role to play, and each is important for different reasons. Our guests would not stay with us long if we didn’t employ janitorial services and our restaurants would not sell much without the cooking staff. Likewise, the casino marketing department is vital to the success of the casino. Consider the breadth of responsibility held within the casino marketing mix: promotions, advertising, player evaluations, player clubs, host staff, comps, ratings and slot marketing – and this is just to name a few.

While it would be exaggeration to suggest that players would stop coming to the casino if these disappeared, we would miss out on exponentially increasing revenue opportunities should we choose to not take advantage of all that the casino marketing department can offer.


Few events breed excitement in the lives of our casino guests as much as the promotions we offer in the casino. They keep the information on the refrigerator and mark the date on their calendar. Dewahoki303 They look forward to each event and breathe in the excitement the promotion promises to bring. Obviously, the primary purpose for such events is the revenue that is generated from the increase in play. However, it is also arguable that the heightened level of anticipation creates a loyalty within the guest that lends itself to repeated revenues in the future as well. The marketing department is critical in the evaluation and implementation of these promotions.

The marketing staff is first responsible for the evaluation of past promotions to determine what combination of events and offers will be most effective on which days of the week in order to ensure the utter-most profitability. Obviously, these rules will vary by location and casino and only a strategic analysis of past promotions, regardless of outcome, will provide the data needed to make informed and logical decisions. For example, an evaluation of your past slot tournaments may reveal that Tuesdays are more profitable than Thursdays. As a result, it could be a costly mistake to make any assumptions regarding the feasibility and profitability of these events. Instead, a thorough analysis conducted by the marketing department will ensure the optimal success of all future promotional campaigns.

After the profitability evaluation comes the preparation. In order for each event to be successful, the marketing department must wear a variety of hats to maximize the event. They are the masters of communication that ensure that all departments are working in synchronization in preparation for, and during, the event. Additionally, it is their organizational skills and attention to detail in the preparation that will ensure that guests are well received and enjoy the event to it fullest.

And let us not forget the event itself. This is when the host staff truly live up to their title, welcoming the guests into the event and ensuring that everyone is having a great time. This is your party and your patrons are exactly that, guests in your house.

Definition and History of Slot Machine

We can define a slot machine as a gambling machine that is used in almost every casino all around the world. This slot machine essentially consists of 3 or more than 3 reels that can be spun once the button is pressed. In the earlier times, the slot machine became popular by the name of one-arm bandit because of the presence of a lever on one side or arm of the slot machine.

The earlier slot machine lacked the presence of a button which was replaced by a lever. Now days,Definition and History of Slot Machine Articles instead of liver an electronic button is being employed which makes it much easier for the player to play the slot machine. Still there are few slot machines which have both a lever and button installed in them.

The important property of a slot machine is the presence of a cash detector whose main job is to detect whether the cash or the coin inserted by the player into the machine is real or not. The slot machine has a big screen which is used to display the combination that a person gets on pressing the button. If the combination is correct than the person wins and if not than he loses. As the technology is improving day by day, we are seeing a number of variations which are being incorporated in numerous slot machines. A computer is also installed in a slot machine. Almost 75% of the casino�s income is obtained from slot machines.

The first ever gambling machine was invented by two people known as Pitt and Sittman who were originally from Brooklyn in New York, United States of America. judi slot This machine was an ancestor of the modern day slot machine. The machine initially consisted of five drums which were made to hold 50 playing card faces. It was typically a poker based machine. The popularity of this machine increased at a very fast rate and almost every bar owner in the town had this machine installed in his bar.

The machine operated whenever a player would put a coin in the coin slot and either pulled a lever or pressed a button. After doing this, the 5 drums which this machine contained would start spinning along with the cards it was holding and thus would ultimately show us the combination which we would get. Earlier there was an indirect prize for a stated combination such as two kings would result in a free glass of scotch or all cards of same color would result in a free pack of cigars etc.

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